Screening tests may save lives — so when is it time to stop?

Screening tests, such as Pap smears or blood pressure checks, could save your life. They can detect a disease you have no reason to suspect is there. Early detection may allow treatment while a health condition is curable and before irreversible complications arise. Some screening tests help prevent the disease they are designed to detect. […]

Healthier planet, healthier people

Everything is connected. You’ve probably heard that before, but it bears repeating. Below are five ways to boost both your individual health and the health of our planet — a combination that environmentalists call co-benefits. How your health and planetary health intersect Back in 1970, Earth Day was founded as a day of awareness about […]

A muscle-building obsession in boys: What to know and do

By the time boys are 8 or 10, they’re steeped in Marvel action heroes with bulging, oversized muscles and rock-hard abs. By adolescence, they’re deluged with social media streams of bulked-up male bodies. The underlying messages about power and worth prompt many boys to worry and wonder about how to measure up. Sometimes, negative thoughts […]

Dementia: Coping with common, sometimes distressing behaviors

Dementia poses many challenges, both for people struggling with it and for those close to them. It can be hard to witness and cope with common behaviors that arise from illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or frontotemporal dementia. Caring for a person who has dementia may be frustrating, confusing, or upsetting at times. Understanding […]

Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say? What is […]

Curbing nearsightedness in children: Can outdoor time help?

Turns out that when your mother told you to stop sitting near the TV or you might need glasses, she was onto something. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing problem worldwide. While a nearsighted child can see close objects clearly, more distant objects look blurry. Part of this growing problem, according to experts, is that […]

Easy ways to shop for healthful, cost-conscious foods

Three months into the year is a good time to recalculate if you’ve been slacking on your resolution to eat healthy. And if you’ll be leaving home base or school soon and foraging for yourself (plus or minus roommates), it’s a great time to learn about healthy, low-cost choices for your grocery list. The basics: […]

Helping children who are neurodiverse build friendships

Making friends and finding social opportunities can sometimes be difficult, particularly for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or an intellectual disability. Here’s what parents can do to help. Building inclusive communities Friendships and social connections are an important aspect of our lives. They provide a sense of […]

Is snuff really safer than smoking?

Snuff is a smokeless tobacco similar to chewing tobacco. It rarely makes headlines. But it certainly did when the FDA authorized a brand of snuff to market its products as having a major health advantage over cigarettes. Could this be true? Is it safe to use snuff? What did the FDA authorize as a health […]

Drug recalls are common

Scientific advances have brought us scores of new drugs in recent years. In the US, one major agency — the FDA — is responsible for making sure that the drugs they approve are safe and effective. Yet there were more than 14,000 drug recalls in the last 10 years, according to FDA statistics. That averages […]